The latest news from hell

“The latest news from hell, by Amir Valle, breaks the mold of those detective stories that are possible only in developed, industrialized countries with liberal, representative democracy”.

Fernando Martínez Laínez, Spanish writer and journalist

Últimas noticias del infierno, novela, Amir Valle

The beautiful friendship of Alex Varga with a transvestite in the 1950s involves police investigator Alain Bec in a macabre plot in which one of the most hidden and dismal sides of intolerance on the island comes to light: the silent world of transvestites and homosexual tourism. Crime, friendship, hatreds, ethical values and a cry for unconventional justice in the poor neighborhoods of the city are elements of this story, which proposes a tolerant and open, human view toward an individual realization of personal liberty, including the sexual preference of people in any society.

In this book, Number 2 in the Collection: La Casa Ciega (The Blind House Collection), this story shares space with Vidas de Oficio (Professional Lives), from the renowned Spanish author, Juan Madrid, and with El Último Tranvía (The Last Streetcar), from the equally-distinguished Mexican writer, Marco Aurelio Carballo.

Editorial EDAF, Spain, 2005
176 pages
ISBN: 844141615X