He has published the following books:
- Tiempo en cueros (In the Buff) (Short stories, Cuba, 1988)
- Yo soy el malo (I am the Villain) (Short stories, Cuba, 1989)
- En el nombre de Dios (In the Name of God) (Non-fiction, Cuba, 1990)
- Quiénes narran en Cienfuegos (Those Who Write in Cienfuegos) (Essays, Cuba, 1993)
- Ciudad Jamás perdida (City Never Lost) (Novel, Sweden, 1998)
- Ese universo de la soledad americana (This Universe of American Solitude) (Essays, Colombia, 1999)
- La danza alucinada del suicida (The Deluded Dance of Suicide) (Short stories, Cuba, 1999)
- Con Dios en el camino (With God on the Path) (Non-fiction, England, 2000)
- Manuscritos del muerto (Manuscripts of the death) (Short stories, Cuba, 2000)
- Brevísimas demencias: La Narrativa Cubana de los 90 (Brief Dementias: Cuban Fiction of the ’90s) (Essays, Cuba, 2001)
- Las puertas de la noche (The Portals of Night) (Novel: Spain 2001, Puerto Rico 2002 and Germany 2005)
- Muchacha azul bajo la lluvia (Blue Girl Beneath the Rain) (Novel, Cuba 2001 and United States of América 2009)
- Si Cristo te desnuda (If Christ Undressed You) (Novel: Cuba 2001, Spain 2002 and Germany 2006)
- Entre el miedo y las sombras (Between Fear and Darkness) (Novel, Spain 2003 and Germany 2007)
- Los desnudos de Dios (The Naked of God) (Novel, Cuba 2004 and Germany 2006)
- Últimas noticias del Infierno (The Latest News from Hell) (Novella, Spain 2005)
- Santuario de sombras (Sanctuary of Shadows) (Novel, Spain 2006 and Germany 2008)
- Jineteras (Hookers) (Non-fiction, Editorial Planeta 2006)
- Las palabras y los muertos (Words and the Dead) (Novel, Seix Barral 2007 and Germany 2007)
- Tatuajes (Tattoos) (Novel, Puerto Rico 2007)
- (Long Nights with Flavia) (Novel, Spain 2008)
- Habana Babilonia: La cara oculta de las jineteras (Havana Babylon: The Dark Face of Prostitution) (Non-fiction: Spain 2008, Germany 2008 and France 2010)
- La nostalgia es un tango de Gardel (Nostalgia is a Tango by Gardel) (Short stories, France 2008)
- La Habana. Puerta de las Américas (Havana. Gateway to the Americas) (Historia, Spain, 2010)
- Las raíces del odio (The roots of hatred) (Novel, Spain, 2012)
- Non lasciar mai che ti vedano piangere (Never let them see you mourn) (Novel, Italy, 2012)
- Hugo Spadafora – Bajo la piel del hombre (Hugo Spadafora – Under the skin of man) (Biographical Novel, Aguilar-Santillana, 2013)